Q: What are your top five favorite fruits, and why?
A: Mine, in order:
- Cherries. I fear death as a concept in general, but mostly because I wouldn’t get to eat cherries anymore.
- Pluots. I don’t particularly like apricots, but this plum/apricot hybrid is a genetic anomaly I can get behind.
- Plums. There's nothing more satisfying than digging into a cold, juicy plum on a hot summer’s day. William Carlos Williams was right on.
- Bananas. Portable, cheap, and packed with potassium, they're the reliable utility outfielders of the fruit world.
- Lemons: You can’t eat them by themselves, but they brighten up so many savory dishes, I can’t imagine cooking without them. Also? Lemonade. BAM.
Readers, what about you? Keep in mind we’re going with the conventional idea of fruits here, which means no tomatoes. And again, look for those veggie results later today.
Want to ask the interweb a question? Post one in the comment section, or write to Cheaphealthygood@gmail.com. Then, tune in next Tuesday for an answer/several answers from the good people of the World Wide Net.