Welcome to our third installment of
Ask the Internet! This week, our question comes from a tall, pale, somewhat out-of-shape frugal food blogger who’s marrying her Husband-Elect in a little under ten months. She writes:
Q: I’m a tall, pale, somewhat out-of-shape frugal food blogger who’s marrying my Husband-Elect in a little under ten months. Our wedding venue is providing us with four kinds of beer. The first three, selected by the venue, are Heineken, Bud Light, and another paler ale. We get to choose the fourth. We’re undecided so far, and wanted to throw a challenge out to CHG readers: suggest your favorite beer (available in NYC) in the comment section. We’ll take the top five most-mentioned and hold a tasting. The winning brew will be served at the wedding. What do you think about that, Kris, whom I’ve never met, and don’t resemble in the least?A: I think that’s a great idea, Unidentified Writer! So, readers – what beer should this totally random person have at her upcoming nuptials? (I hear her current preferences are Smithwick’s, Brooklyn Lager, Newcastle, and DogFish Head.) Go nuts with the comments/ideas, and we’ll … I mean she’ll … hold a tasting and reveal the winner in a blog post later this week!
Want to ask the interweb a question? Post one in the comment section, or write to Cheaphealthygood@gmail.com. Then, tune in next Tuesday for an answer/several answers from the good people of the World Wide Net.