Stop the Ride
Consistently charming and informative, Stephanie’s blog has been bringing crafty, cookingy goodness to the web since August of last year. Her ideas are nifty, I really like the writing, and the adorable pictures take the cake.
Food Comedy of the Week
Improv Everywhere - The Moebius
I.E. is a gang of New York-based improvisational comedians that orchestrates funny twists on everyday situations. (“We create scenes.”) Sometimes, they’ll have 70 guys take off their shirts in Abercrombie and Fitch. Other times, they’ll dress up as U2 and put on a rooftop show for thousands of fans. In The Moebius, they invade a Starbucks and awesomeness results.
Organization of the Week
The Food Trust’s Supermarket Campaign
I just wrote about this yesterday, but it’s really worth looking into. And they take donations! Yay!
Quote of the Week
"Sir, respect your dinner: idolize it, enjoy it properly. You will be many hours in the week, many weeks in the year, and many years in your life happier if you do." - William Makepeace Thackeray
Tip of the Week
Need to figure out a supermarket unit price, but don’t have a calculator handy? Take out your cell phone. Lots of models include a calculator in the Tools section.
Untried Cheap, Healthy Recipe of the Week
Tom Colicchio’s Pan Roasted Mushrooms from Serious Eats
Okay, the oil and butter need to be halved here, but I think it would taste just as good. Big ups to the bald man.
Video of the Week (Food Division)
“Green Onions” by Booker T. and the MGs
An instrumental ode to scallions featuring that grooviest of ‘60s music-makers: the organ.
(Image courtesy of contributor pieceoflace.)